Thursday, 27 March 2014

Lesson 11/12 Prep for Saturday 29th March Presentation Times (Unit 1)

Saturday 29th March 2014

 We will be in college from 09:30 so please come along before your presentation if you like

10:00 Hous
10:30 Alex
11:00 Nick
11:30 Lauren
12:00 Ellianne
12:30 Shavaiz
13:00 Maryanne

LOOK below for HELP

LO1 Firstly discuss your Film movement in each of these sections, Remember to discuss each of these within the context of time period, also taking into consideration social, political, cultural factors

1.Sector industries:


·         What other media forms were prevalent at the time and how did these impact on film as a medium? For example, if you are looking at:

·         1980s Horror, you may want to consider the impact of VHS.  

·         Cinema in the 1990s, you may want to consider the impact of TV, DVD and the internet.

·         Film Noir, you may want to consider what other ‘media options’ were available (when TV was introduced, the impact it had on cinema attendance, the development of technologies like cinemascope, Technicolor etc).


Here you need to examine the way the sector was regulated. So, in terms of:

·         Film Noir, you may want to examine the impact of HUAC and also the Hays Code of Production.

·         In terms of Horror, you may want to consider the VRA and the changes to legislation.

·         In terms of 1990s cinema, you may want to look at the studios and corporate control, and distribution/regulation;

3.Distribution models:

Here you need to examine how film is/was distributed. So, you can examine:

·         both indie and mainstream approaches to film distribution  

·         the studios and the part they play(ed) in getting the product (film) to audiences.


You need to examine the marketing strategies involved in the film movement you have chosen to examine. So for instance, you may want to examine:

·         guerrilla marketing in terms of 90s indie cinema, or how corporate and brand identities play a part. You could examine the rise of ‘the star’ as marketing tool here.

·         In terms of Film Noir, some of the marketing strategies belied the ‘dark’ nature of the films themselves by portraying the actors in much ‘lighter’ generic tones.

 LO2 This can only be done if you have been given a theory to discuss, if you have not then please email your tutor or we can include this in the final session on Thursday 3rd April .
  1. You will use your product: Your chosen Film Movement
  2. You will analysis its reception using a theory (You will be allocated in this session) to research and discuss. You will need to discuss this theory in relation to your Film movement.
  3. All of you research will go into your presentation. 

LO3 Finally Remember as part of the presentation you are being marked on the presentation of your research on the production and reception of creative media
products following relevant conventions.   
  1. Research: this could include: research, eg primary, secondary,quantitative, qualitative; sources, eg libraries, archives, internet; literature review; researchtrail; plagiarism
  2. Presentation:this could include; content; structure; language, eg clarity, grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation
  3. Conventions:this could include: structure of content, eg abstract, table of contents, summary, introduction, conclusion, chapters, numbered paragraphs, tables, graphics, indexing; citation; quotation;footnotes; terminology, eg op.cit., idem, ibid; referencing, eg Harvard,

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Week 10 LO2 Reception Theories

The aim of this session is to Lo2 Understand creative media products in the context of its reception 


You will use your product: Your chosen Film Movement

You will analysis its reception using a theory (You will be allocated in this session) to research and discuss. You will need to discuss this theory in relation to your Film movement.

All of you research will go into your presentation. 


Feedback from each person on your theory  

Task 2  (LO2 AC 2.1)– Understand creative media products in the context of their reception

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Lesson 9 Digital Journalism And Action Plans

Task 2  (LO2 AC 2.1)– Understand creative media products in the context of their reception

18:00- 19:00 Digital Journalism And Audience

19:00- 20:00 Work on Task 1 Action plans, if you have not had an action plan this will be discussed in this time.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Lesson 7 Context

Contextual Analysis of a Text

"contextual analysis is simply an analysis of a text (in whatever medium, including multi-media) that helps us to assess that text within the context of its historical and cultural setting, but also in terms of its textuality – or the qualities that characterize the text as a text. A contextual analysis combines features of formal analysis with features of “cultural archeology, ” or the systematic study of social, political, economic, philosophical, religious, and aesthetic conditions that were (or can be assumed to have been) in place at the time and place when the text was created. While this may sound complicated, it is in reality deceptively simple: it means “situating” the text within the milieu of its times and assessing the roles of author, readers (intended and actual), and “commentators” (critics, both professional and otherwise) in the reception of the text." University of Nabraska Lincoln, Department of English Spring 2008

University of Nabraska Lincoln, Department of English Spring 2008 (online) Contextual Analysis (Contextual Analysis) [Accessed: 04
th Feb 2014]

Elements of Context 

  • When the text was produced
Links with Channel owned Films
  • What the society was like at the time the text was produced
Production code
80s Rocky

  • What or who influenced the maker of the text
  • What political or social influences there would have been
Production code

  • What influences there may have been in the genre that may have affected the writer
French new wave un Boule de soufe, borrowed from the soviets and film noir
British 60 Cinema, Saturday night sunday morning

  • When the text was produced and when it was set may also have an important part to play in what is produced. 
80s social aspiration 

Social Context Examples

Rocky Montage

Examples Moral Panics in Cinema

Clockwork Orange
Natural Born Killers

Fear of the new

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Lesson 6 New Task 1, Deadline 13/03/14

Full Assignment here

The aim of this session is to give you the grounding to produce the evidence required to complete task 1.
We have rewritten task 1 please see below

Task (LO1 AC 1.1) Understand the institutional context on Film Noir or another Film movement  and its influence on production

You need to demonstrate your understanding of the 4 headings applied to one of the film movements listed below, or of your own choice. 

Movements in cinema that you might look

  • Film Noir
  • French new wave
  • British Cinema 60s
  • British Cinema 80s
  • 80s Hollywood
  • 90s Hollywood
  • Early Hollywood silent film including WW2 
  • Soviet Cinema 
  • Contemporary Hollywood Cinema

With your chosen movement you need to write about it using the following headings.
  1. Sector industries: film; television; radio; publishing; audio recording, eg music, audio books, audio guides; interactive media; computer games; emerging industries, eg cross-platform
  2. Control: corporate control; access to distribution; international distribution; sources of income; regulation; legal constraints; self-imposed controls
  3. Distribution models: cinema (Hollywood, Bollywood, world cinema, mainstream, independent); multiplex and art house cinema; broadcast television (public service, network, free to air, subscription, analogue, digital); radio (national, regional, local, restricted service licence, closed environment, digital audio broadcast, analogue); print (national press, local press, magazines); music (major labels, independent labels, retail, download); new media (internet, mobile); computer games industry (gaming on demand (GoD), electronic software distribution (ESD), game publishing, retail); global and local distribution; language communities
  4. Marketing: corporate and brand identity; single and cross-platform advertising; viral; sponsorship; product placement; impact assessment, eg sales figures, ratings, circulation figures, number of hits, consumer awareness 
You will present the results of your research in any of the following formats, detailed notes, a video, presentation etc. These must contain academically referenced research using the Harvard Style Reference System 

Friday, 24 January 2014

Lesson 5 Saturday Double Indemnity and Film Noir Elements

10:00 - 12:30 Chris

The Aim of this session is to get you more familiar with the elements of Film Noir

You will
look at study guides and take notes prior to watching Double Indemnity
Discuss elements of Double Indemnity (DI) using correct terminology
Write your own noted analysis of the  DI using the terminology covered in this and last few sessions.

10:00 -10:45
Notes and Guides to Double Indemnity

10:45 - 12:30
Film Noir Elements Bingo (to be used while watching DI)

Lesson 5 Saturday 25th January - Karen

1.00 - 4.00
After watching Double Indemnity, (Billy Wilder, 1944), we will examine the construction and role of the femme fatale, and carry out a mise-en-scene analysis of some key scenes. We'll try to link all of this to the production context of Film Noir. Oh, and we'll all sing Happy Birthday to Ellianne...

These are some of the images we'll look at. Think, in particular about The Production Code here.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Lesson 4 Film Terms, HUAC and The Production Code


  • Glossary Opening of the Killers: Discuss Chiaroscuro Lighting, Narrative, Non liner structure
  • Opening of Out of the Past: General sense of unease
  • Opening of Murder my Sweet:
  • Opening of Touch of Evil 


  • Cross Fire: HUAC Edward Dmytryk


  •  Out of the Past: Production Code

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Week 2 Thursday Part 1

Karen's Lesson - Week 2

Tonight we'll re-cap the institutional context of noir, and investigate the impact of the studios and 'B' pictures, HUAC and the Hays Code on the production of films including Laura, (Otto Preminger, 1944), The Maltese Falcon, (John Huston, 1941) and A Touch of Evil, (Orson Welles, 1958). We'll tie all of this together with Task 1 of your assignment.

Watch this before Sat 25th Jan

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Lesson 2 Saturday 11 January - Karen

In my session, we'll re-cap some of Film Noir's origin points that we introduced in Thursday's session and look at these in relation to Film Noir's production context. We'll look at the impact of:

  • the Hays Code of Production
  • the Studio System and 'B' movie production
  • HUAC
 We'll also examine narrative approaches to Film Noir, and examine the appeal to contemporary film-makers with a look at The Usual Suspects, (Bryan Singer, 1995) and The Last Seduction, (John Dahl, 1994).

Friday, 10 January 2014

Lesson 2 Saturday Chris

The aim of this session is to look at the elements of film noir and discuss the roles that these elements have in the structure of a typical film noir.

We will

Discuss and look at classic narrative structure models over non liner 
Detail and find examples key elements 
Explore Regulation and Studio system 
Look at and discuss neo noir examples

11:00 - 12:00

Detail and find examples key elements.
Look at examples of Film Noirs (list here) from the 40's and 50's and take screen shots of elements discussed in Thursday's Lecture. These screenshots can go onto your blogs with an explanation of the element it is illustrating.

See this Website or this one or Karen's Power Point from Thursday

12:00 Break

12:15 - 12:45

Neo Noir Examples

12:45 Break

13:00 - 16:00

Regulation and Studio
Look at and discuss Neo Noir examples Last seduction and usual suspects
  • Controls on media production:

Such as: corporate control, access to distribution and sources of income; 

regulation; legal constraints; self-imposed controls 

  • Understanding of distribution models. 

Such as: cinema (Hollywood, Bollywood, world cinema, mainstream, 
independent); multiplex and art house cinema; 

  • Marketing and branding

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Lesson 1 Film Noir

18:00 Unit intro Chris 

18:15 to 19:15 Film Noir Karen and Chris


  • Controls on media production:

Such as: corporate control, access to distribution and sources of income; 

regulation; legal constraints; self-imposed controls 

  • Understanding of distribution models. 

Such as: cinema (Hollywood, Bollywood, world cinema, mainstream, 
independent); multiplex and art house cinema; 

  • Marketing and branding

19:15 Break

19:30 Blog Set up and photojournalism 

20:30 END

Lesson 1: Unit Introduction

Unit 1: Contextual Studies for Creative Media Production 

This unit aims to develop your understanding of theoretical approaches to media production 
in order to inform your own practice and set it within a wider context. 

Unit abstract 
This unit provides an opportunity for you to undertake a study of the creative media in a 
chosen context. The unit will develop an appreciation of industry, products and audiences and the theoretical approaches used to analyse them. 

The unit requires the application of academic research and referencing methods which are 
appropriate for Level 4 and 5. 

On completing this unit you should have gained an understanding of general media theory which can then be applied and expanded upon in the specialist area of study or transferred to the wider context of the work environment to inform your own production work. 

Learning outcomes 
On successful completion of this unit you will: 

1 Understand the institutional context of creative media production and its influence on production 

  • 1.1 critically review the institutional context of the creative media and evaluate its influence on production 

2 Understand creative media products in the context of their reception 

  • 2.1 analyse the reception of creative media products 

3 Be able to present research on the production and reception of creative media products following relevant conventions

  • 3.1 present research on the production and reception of creative media products clearly 
  • 3.2 correctly follow relevant conventions for presenting research outcomes.